About Grow

Hey gals! Jess here.

Did you wonder why Grow? We believe that for a woman to reach their goals and make life long changes they need to go through a period of growth! Crash diet and exercise to lose weight just for an event isn't our style. We are about educating women to create lifelong habits to get to their goal and stick with it for life! Weight loss is only one by-product of exercise but it's not the only one.

The other reason for Grow is our belief in the mental side of exercise! As a first time mum, I suffered severe PostNatal Depression and the person who helped me more than any doctor was my trainer! Understanding the value of training and nutrition really helped my mental health, changed my relationship with both food and training.


Our Mission

To create a safe space for woman to love themselves through movement and connection.


Our Values



We want to help women safely return to exercise after babies or extended breaks. We want to help women reach their fitness goals. But most of all we want to make movement fun! Take away the barriers and bring back the joy of movement!



Our aim with Food is to help Women understand that food is fuel! we don't buy into food plans and fad diets, we are all about flexible eatting that educates our ladies about food with 80/20 approach so you can enjoy the foods you love!



Last but certainly not least! Grow is about creating a space where woman come to train but come back for friendships, banter & connection! As humans a sense of belonging is vital to out mental health, at Grow we are all about the connections! 


Let’s Grow Girl!

At Grow our classes are suitable for all fitness levels; from those who are just getting started, right through to those who are more advanced and want to be challenged.